There is only one possible future on planet earth, and it's green

Oceanic Energy, Australia’s sustainable future in renewable, green energy solutions

The universe offers an abundance of clean energy resources that can provide essential power for our existence on planet Earth.

The Oceanic Energy Vision is to explore and develop renewable energy sources using the most advanced, cost-effective technologies and state of the art expertise in mutually beneficial partnership with local communities.

Clean and Green energy sources considered comprise; Solar, Wind, Hydro, Geothermal, Wave and Tidal power options.


Different forms and locations of renewable energy projects have different long-term consequences and implications. Appropriately selecting types of clean, renewable energy projects with sustainable, low ecological operational impacts is as important as commercial considerations in project selection.


Producing and selecting the correct, clean energy project has to be driven by:

Technical/GG/Engineering Experience

Oceanic Energy has association with the world class engineering, technical geological and operational expertise for renewable/geothermal resource identification and development. Many of these have recent working experience across all aspects of major international energy projects

Energy Resources

Diverse Energy Sources

Choosing diverse and correct energy sources allows us to generate power more profitably, sustainably and ethically

Holistic Approaches

Our holistic operational approach carefully considers ecological and economical implications facing us when generating power

Better For The Planet

Our operations, vision and values contrubute to a cleaner future powered by green, sustainable energy

The real transition from traditional energy sources to green hydrogen will take time to achieve economic reality… but the future is just over the horizon.

Robert Hosking

Oceanic Energy

The universe offers an abundance of clean energy resources that can provide essential power for our existence on planet Earth.

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